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Syrian Troops Take Back Qusair
A day after Syrian troops took back the strategically important town of Qusair, a UN-monitored crossing in the Golan Heights is now back under Syrian control. Rebels had seized the crossing in a barrage of explosions and heavy shelling,... More of this article »
Unrest in Turkey over Gezi Park
In spite of ongoing country-wide protests, the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that the redevelopment of Gezi Park in Istanbul will go ahead as planned. Cutting short his current North African tour, Mr. Erdogan... More of this article »
Prince William and Kate Announce Pregnancy
Kate Middleton is pregnant. St.JamesPalace issued the announcement today when the duchess was admitted to KingEdwardVIIHospital in central London with hyperemesis gravidarum, an acute morning sickness which requires supplementary hydration... More of this article »