America First Investment Advisors LLC Sells 738 Shares of Brookfield Co. (NYSE:BN)

America First Investment Advisors LLC decreased its position in Brookfield Co. (NYSE:BNFree Report) by 0.2% in the 3rd quarter, according to its most recent filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The fund owned 464,389 shares of the company’s stock after selling 738 shares during the quarter. Brookfield comprises about 5.5% of America First Investment Advisors LLC’s holdings, making the stock its 4th largest position. America First Investment Advisors LLC’s holdings in Brookfield were worth $24,682,000 at the end of the most recent reporting period.

A number of other institutional investors and hedge funds also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. SG Americas Securities LLC purchased a new stake in shares of Brookfield in the second quarter valued at $128,321,000. Wulff Hansen & CO. grew its holdings in Brookfield by 4,054.0% in the 2nd quarter. Wulff Hansen & CO. now owns 1,542,505 shares of the company’s stock valued at $64,076,000 after buying an additional 1,505,372 shares during the period. Sequoia Financial Advisors LLC increased its stake in shares of Brookfield by 4,149.3% during the 3rd quarter. Sequoia Financial Advisors LLC now owns 776,346 shares of the company’s stock valued at $41,263,000 after acquiring an additional 758,076 shares during the last quarter. Glazer Capital LLC purchased a new position in shares of Brookfield during the 2nd quarter worth about $30,740,000. Finally, Wolverine Asset Management LLC lifted its holdings in shares of Brookfield by 6,934.1% during the 2nd quarter. Wolverine Asset Management LLC now owns 710,095 shares of the company’s stock worth $29,497,000 after acquiring an additional 700,000 shares during the period. 61.60% of the stock is currently owned by hedge funds and other institutional investors.

Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth

Several brokerages recently commented on BN. TD Securities upped their price target on shares of Brookfield from $62.00 to $63.00 and gave the stock a “buy” rating in a research report on Monday, August 12th. Keefe, Bruyette & Woods increased their target price on Brookfield from $44.00 to $46.00 and gave the stock a “market perform” rating in a research report on Friday, August 9th. BMO Capital Markets reissued an “outperform” rating and set a $62.00 price target (up previously from $50.00) on shares of Brookfield in a research report on Friday, November 15th. Royal Bank of Canada cut their price objective on Brookfield from $57.00 to $56.00 and set an “outperform” rating on the stock in a report on Friday, August 9th. Finally, Scotiabank boosted their target price on Brookfield from $65.00 to $69.00 and gave the stock a “sector outperform” rating in a report on Friday, November 15th. Two research analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and six have given a buy rating to the company’s stock. According to MarketBeat, the stock currently has a consensus rating of “Moderate Buy” and a consensus price target of $55.31.

Check Out Our Latest Report on Brookfield

Brookfield Stock Down 0.7 %

NYSE BN opened at $56.39 on Thursday. The stock has a market cap of $92.86 billion, a PE ratio of 119.98 and a beta of 1.53. The business has a 50 day moving average price of $54.01 and a two-hundred day moving average price of $48.01. Brookfield Co. has a fifty-two week low of $33.70 and a fifty-two week high of $60.20. The company has a quick ratio of 1.03, a current ratio of 1.17 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.40.

Brookfield Dividend Announcement

The company also recently disclosed a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Tuesday, December 31st. Shareholders of record on Monday, December 16th will be given a $0.08 dividend. The ex-dividend date is Monday, December 16th. This represents a $0.32 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 0.57%. Brookfield’s payout ratio is currently 68.09%.

Brookfield Profile

(Free Report)

Brookfield Corporation is an alternative asset manager and REIT/Real Estate Investment Manager firm focuses on real estate, renewable power, infrastructure and venture capital and private equity assets. It manages a range of public and private investment products and services for institutional and retail clients.

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